Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What New Orleans Jazz Fest Means

In case you ever wondered how folks feel about the New Orleans Jazz fest, please read this short excerpt from a dear friend upon hearing the music line up for Jazz Fest 2009.

"And now, a prayer:

Oh Gods and Goddesses of Mirth, Joy, Celebration, Love, Dance, Song, Decadence, Celebration, Adventure, Inebriation, Excitation, Gluttony, ...and all those other sins ... Please hear my cry. Let this Jazz Fest be the Jazz Festy-ess of them all. May my Krewe and I bounce and banter through days and nights of bliss and mischievousness. May the Funk come down from on High. May the our feet float above the mud and crawfish shells. May the Po-Boys flow, the crowds part, the sun shine (but not too hotly), and the rain wash away our woes. May we all get a ride to the Sauvage gate in Blake's Jag. May our coozies never run out, and the 2nd Line never end.
(And, may my checkbook be filled with the green I need to make this all happen).
This I ask of those Spirits who smile down on us all. This I ask, and this I pray.

Mitakuye Fiyo.

Says it all...

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